So not only do I love hunts, but I love hunts that support a cause. Hunt for the cure is a week away and today I have the honor to show you this adorable dress that Ruca Tease will have out for the hunt. Not only do you get the dress but you get the bracelets as well. For more information on the Hunt for the Cure that starts 10/1 you can go to this link--->
HFTC<--- I paired it with an awesome hair available right now at the arcade gacha, and the daringly sexy while still feminine shoes from N-core. Check out the pics hit some shopping, and then prepare yourself for the Hunt for the Cure. I suggest heading over to Ruca Tease before and learning the lay of the land before the hunt.
Skin-[PF] Harley <Peach> - Arcade 10
Hair-Clawtooth: Hearts on Fire - Dusty Black (arcade)
Eyes-Mayfly - Deep Sky Eyes (Sea Green Shadow)
Dress/bracelets-RUCA TEASE HFTC GIFT
Purse-PURE - LoveHunt #4 - Knuckle Ladies Purse
Necklace-Awareness Ribbon Necklace
Shoes-N-core SUBLIME "Black"