Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bad news bear

I am posting today from my tablet with bad news. If you are friends with me on Facebook you might have already seen, but I wanted to make sure I posted here as well. My computer is shot, it's going to take a large sum of money that I simply do not have atm to fix. It could be several months before I am able because there are other financial responsibilities I have as a single mother that come first. I am sorry that I will not be able to blog for the time being. To both my readers and my sponsors you all mean the world to me. If you would like to keep in contact so you know when I am back up and running feel free to either follow this blog, add me on Facebook (akito zuta), or email me  Thank you all for supporting me along the way and I will do my best to get back to you quickly. <3 Aki